Yugi Starter Deck
Mystical Elf Feral Imp Winged Dragon,Guardian of the Fortress #1 Summoned Skull Beaver Warrior Dark Magician Gaia The Fierce Knight Curse of Dragon Celtic Guardian Mammoth Graveyard Great White Silver Fang Giant Soldier of Stone Dragon Zombie Doma The Angel of Silence Ansatsu Witty Phantom Claw Reacher Mystic Clown Sword of Dark Destruction Book of Secret Arts Dark Hole Dian Keto the Cure Master Ancient Elf Magical Ghost Fissure Trap Hole Two-Pronged Attack De-Spell Monster Reborn Reinforcements Change of Heart The Stern Mystic Wall of Illusion Neo the Magic Swordsman Baron of the Fiend Sword Man-Eating Treasure Chest Sorcerer of the Doomed Last Will Waboku Soul Exchange Card Destruction Trap Master Dragon Capture Jar Yami Man-Eater Bug Reverse Trap Remove Trap Castle Walls Ultimate Offering
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Kaiba Starter Deck
Blue-Eyes White Dragon Hitotsu-Me Giant Ryu-Kishin The Wicked Worm Beast Battle Ox Koumori Dragon Judge Man Rogue Doll Kojikocy Uraby Gyakutenno Megami Mystic Horseman Terra the Terrible Dark Titan of Terror Dark Assassin Master & Expert Unknown Warrior of Fiend Mystic Clown Ogre of the Black Shadow Dark Energy Invigoration Dark Hole Ookazi Ryu-Kishin Powered Swordstalker La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Rude Kaiser Destroyer Golem Skull Red Bird D. Human Pale Beast Fissure Trap Hole Two-Pronged Attack De-Spell Monster Reborn The Inexperienced Spy Reinforcements Ancient Telescope Just Desserts Lord of D. The Flute of Summoning Dragon Mysterious Puppeteer Trap Master Sogen Hane-Hane Reverse Trap Remove Trap Castle Walls Ultimate Offering