The five top center slots are the monster card zones. This is where a player places his/her monster cards.
The five bottom center slots are the magic and trap card zones. This is where a player places his/her magic and trap cards.
The top left slot is the field card zone. This is where a field card would go if it is played. (example: Mountain or Forest)
The top right slot is the graveyard zone. This is where cards go if they are destroyed or used if they are magic or trap cards*. But, if a card is "removed from play" it cannot re-enter the current duel and does not go to the graveyard.
The bottom left slot is the fusion deck zone. This is where a player places his/her fusion cards and it does not count in the 40 card minimun limit in a deck.
The bottom right slot is the deck zone. This is where a player places his/her deck.
*Some trap cards have continous effects and are not discarded after being played.